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Healthy New Year’s Resolutions for the Whole Family

Healthy New Year’s Resolutions for the Whole Family

As we start the year anew, you may be thinking of ways you can improve your wellness. New Year’s resolutions can be good not just for your personal goals but for your family’s overall health too. As your reliable provider of home care services in Laurel, Maryland, we will share a few healthy resolutions you can make with the whole family:

  • Prepare and eat healthier meals together.

    Maintaining a well-balanced diet starts with meal preparation and purchasing the right ingredients. Before you go grocery shopping, create a meal plan together and add a vegetable or fruit to every meal. Try out small changes to have a healthier diet and gradually increase the number of healthy ingredients.

  • Add daily exercise as part of your routine.

    In general, adults should get about 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week, while children should be active for at least an hour each day. Exercise as a family by adding physical activity to your schedule, such as walking around the neighborhood. You can also switch it up by playing games or making chores a part of your daily exercise.

  • Spend more time together as a family.

    The time you spend as a family provides an opportunity to stay involved in one another’s lives. Family movie night or making family meals in a phone-free zone can strengthen your relationship. A home care agency can also provide in-home care to keep sick or aging loved ones at home.

Sarah’s Peace and Love Home Healthcare is a trusted provider of home health care in Maryland. We offer in-home services that range from homemaker services to respite care. Contact us at 240-716-4250 for more information on our services.

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