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Activities That Children Can Do to Minimize Screen Time

Activities That Children Can Do to Minimize Screen Time

The Internet has changed a lot of our routines. Children engage more online than physical activities. And as providers of home health care in Maryland, we see that alarming.

It can be hard to remove the usage of gadgets in the system of children who have heavy exposure to them. But as a home care agency that provides pediatric care, we can work hand-in-hand to minimize the exposure.

And how can we do that? Here are some suggestions:

  • Outdoor activities
    Let them play games, go to playgrounds, engage in sports, and mingle with other kids. These will promote their social skills and teach them the value of teamwork.
  • Artwork engagements
    Allow them to get dirty in painting and recycling. These activities can hone their creativity and resourcefulness.
  • Simple house chores
    Assigning tasks to your kids can help them become independent and responsible. You can ask them to keep their toys and throw the trash.

All of these activities can be beneficial to your kids during their growing-up years. They will need these learnings in the future, so better start gaining skills now. That way, they can also get rid of the harmful effects of screen exposure, such as eye issues and inconsistent sleep patterns.

If you want the best home care services in Laurel, Maryland, for your children, take advantage of our services and call 240-716-4250 now. Our caregivers from Sarah’s Peace and Love Home Healthcare will be willing to assist.

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