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Signs that Indicate a Need for Home Care

Rehabilitation and medical care for disabled seniors

Home care provides professional support services to promote independence and safety at home. From companionship to medication reminders, it includes a wide range of services to meet the individual’s needs. Hence, home care services in Laurel, Maryland provide the foundation for healthy aging at home.

Despite its many benefits, it’s never easy to decide on a home care arrangement for an aging parent or elderly family member who requires assistance at home. While the decision is complicated to make, opening up the conversation can even be tougher. Nonetheless, it’s highly unlikely that your elderly loved one will come to you and admit he or she requires assistance with daily tasks.

For this reason, we will share the signs that indicate a need for home care:

  • A recent accident or frequent fallsDid you know that falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries in older adults? A bad fall can cause serious complications such as fractures in the pelvis, hip, and wrist. Combined with the effects of osteoporosis and mobility issues, it can diminish a senior’s quality of life. By receiving mobility assistance from a home care agency, you can significantly reduce the risk of falls at home.
  • Poor hygiene and signs of neglect at homeDid you notice piles of unopened mail, dust, or clutter in your aging parent’s home the last time you visited? A disorganized or cluttered home environment is a major red flag that indicates a need for daily assistance. Meanwhile, poor personal hygiene could also be a sign of memory or physical issues that make staying clean a challenge.
  • Extreme changes in weightA sudden difference in weight can signify difficulties with meal preparation or even depression. If your senior loved one lost a significant amount of weight recently, drop by during mealtimes to observe his or her ability to cook and check their fridge for spoiling food. It should also be noted that while a freezer full of microwave meals is convenient to prepare, they are not recommended for older adults.

These are just a few signs that indicate a need for home care. If you observe one or more of these signs in your elderly loved one, it may be time to seek assistance at home. As a trusted provider of home health care in Maryland, we at Sarah’s Peace and Love Home Healthcare offer client-centered home care services to meet your loved one’s needs. Reach out to us for more information about our services.

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